
Thrift Shopping Tips (Clothing)

Hello readers how is your day going? I hope you’re well and that you are ready to talk all about thrift shops! This is a personal favorite pass time as well as an easy way to save money for me. I’ve spent a large amount of my life in thrift shops over the years and […]

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The Envelope Method

Hey everyone, we are back on the budget train this week with an article all about a method that I have personally used for years. As you already know from the title, it’s called the envelope method. We all know that bills can be hard to keep track of and that in general, budgeting is […]

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Money Jar Savings Method

Hey everyone! Hope you guys had a great week and that you are ready for an awesome weekend. Today’s topic is all about money. Ok so tell me if this sounds like you, payday comes along and you budget out all your needs and wants. All is going well, you are able to put a […]

Read More Money Jar Savings Method

Five Ways to Relax

  We all have those times in our lives where it seems like things are just a lot more stressful than at other times.  Things seem to pile up with work, little bad things in your everyday life happen more often and it feels like the world is trying to stress you out at every […]

Read More Five Ways to Relax

Revamping your living space

We are in the middle of the changing season known as fall and with the change of the world outside, it may also be time to change it up on the inside portion of your world. We spend more time inside then we realize and with the cold months on their way we’re about to […]

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Aututmn Travels

The leaves have started their descent into color and there is a renewed crispness to the air. What does that the mean? It’s autumn of course! This time of year is one of the most beautiful and unfortunately one of the shortest of all the seasons. So, how do we make sure we get the […]

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Welcome to my Weird World

Hi there reader, I see you found my blog. I hope you like it so far and that you will excuse the mess. I’m in the middle of trying to get everything all set up, so things might not be as pretty as I would like them. Forgive me, please! Anywho let me fill you […]

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